04 April 2012

Weary Wednesday

Wednesdays are my craziest days of the week, by far! I feel like a real adult... a real "working person." My Wednesdays begin (& end) early with a walk with Dutch. Shortly followed by being on-time (at 9:45) to babysit at church while the moms get together and get a break from their youngsters. 
I definitely enjoy Wednesday mornings - they kids are 2-4 years old {I don't do diapers} and they are full of spunk. There's one boy, B, who used to think I was soo mean because I put him in time-out when he bit another boy... The other girl I babysit with is the good cop. That makes me the bad cop. Anyway, B is not been a fan of his mum leaving him- much less leaving him with such a mean person ;) Last week B and I bonded just being goofy and sharing. You can really see our sinful nature in children... especially with sharing. Today B was still upset by his mum leaving him, but guess what? Everything worked out just fine... he just never wants to believe me when I tell him that. Silly boy. My whole point of this rant is to say - I got my first voluntary hug from B today - it.was.awesome.

Chocolate Duet Cookie from Panera

As I sit here in Panera, I'm trying to think of lots more to write... if you can't tell I am procrastinating...again. I'm slightly annoyed at my professor - whom I emailed this weekend - who announced yesterday that our exam is tomorrow. I guess I'm annoyed because she cancelled class last week and I emailed her asking her if the exam would be this week so I could study, ya know - get ahead for my week, and I received no response. Blerg. 

Well folks, though it has been lovely ranting, I guess the only way I'll do well on my exam tomorrow is if I actually study... How unfortunate is it that osmosis via book through pillow to head while sleep doesn't work? Incredibly. 

What are your favourite websites to visit whilst procrastinating? Not that I need them or anything...
I've got plenty of tabs open already


  1. stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! Def LOVE panera!! new follower :-)


  2. I really love your blog. I'm following you. I hope you follow me back.



Thanks for your sweet comments!