30 April 2012

NEWSFLASH - I Survived Finals!

Hello? Is anybody still out there?

I know I've been MIA lately... I wish I had a better excuse than school... We all know I'd much rather write, shop, eat, bake, pretty much do anything other than study, but I had to bunker down and study for exams last week.

Since then, I have been soaking in some much needed relaxation. I've been enjoying my sweet time sleeping, online shopping, and spending time with Dutch and our temporary foster dog, Jake. What a sweetheart. He came from Nassau county, I believe as a stray. Jake just wants to be petted and loved on. He is SUCH a cutie.

My plan for the blog this summer is to be less random and have a more direct focus - FOOD. While I love to bake and cook, this school year I haven't been able to do as much as I would like. I'm hoping that this summer I can take over the kitchen like I used to do in high school and just bake all the time. So while I hope to post more recipes and such, I will also post random shopping things (and dog posts, too) and probably random life events as I have been doing.

Now, this certainly isn't much of a blog post, I just wanted to make sure that the World Wide Web knew I was still alive & haven't forgotten my blog {yet}.


  1. aww, love Jake! and congrats on surviving!! :)

  2. Congrats on finishing finals! And cheers to summer!!

  3. Ahh, I can't wait to see some of your recipes! I will be finished Thursday! Woohoo for the summer :)


Thanks for your sweet comments!