13 April 2012

fill in the blank friday

I was reading Livin' On Sweet Tea today and discovered a brilliant thing called 'fill in the blank friday'.

This show is hilarious!

love Arrested Development, so when I saw Will Arnett was doing a show with Maya Rudolph created by Lorne Michaels, I knew it would be fabulous. It's apparently just like real life {according to my parents}, haha! It's hysterical...so I'm re-watching some episodes today.

Since I'm sick and just sitting on my tush watching old Up All Night episodes, let's give this a whirl!

1. Today is a good day because I got my pillow in the mail {see previous post} & since I'm sick, I can eat ice cream & it doesn't count...right?

2. The best thing I did all week was see my sweet friend, C, get married {does Saturday count as this week?} If not, the best thing would be GEMS. On Wednesday nights at RCC, my friend, Audra, & I lead a group of girls {K-2nd grade}. They are crazy - and sometimes you need a glass of wine after being in charge of some sassy gals, BUT I so enjoy hanging out with them & watching them learn & grow. They're funny & they just love us... What? I like attention, ok?

3. The current weather is partly sunny & it makes me feel annoyed. I'm sitting in the sun porch so that I can get some sunlight, but it's cloudy & therefore annoying.

4. The best thing about spring is my birthday in T-4 days. Does that make me narcissistic?

5. A fashion trend that I'm dying to try out for spring is bold prints.

6. A person who made me smile this week was AK, a 1st grader in my GEMS group. She said, "Woah. You're not married yet?!" Ha! At the ripe age of 20, I'm not too worried yet, AK! ;)

7. The most delicious thing I ate all week was a Chocolate Duet cookie from Panera

I'm linking up over at the little things we do.

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog through Lauren's Fill in the Blank Friday! I teach and spend my day with K-5th grade... when my kiddos found out that I'm not married yet, they had to stop what they were doing to have a moment of "Wait. WHAT. And you don't have KIDS?!" I got engaged last month, which caused more moments of "Wait. WHAT does this MEAN?!" haha :) Happy FRIDAY!


Thanks for your sweet comments!