21 May 2012

Smoothie Experiment

I love to make smoothies...especially in the summer heat of Florida! I experiment with different combinations of fruits, sorbets, etc. This afternoon produced quite a delicious outcome. I knew I was in the mood for a smoothie (so what's new?), so I just gathered random things from my kitchen and created this lovely one-serving smoothie.

1/2 banana, cut into 2-inch chunks
2 spoonfuls yogurt
1 serving of stonyfield's fruit on the bottom blueberry yogurt
1/4-1/3c frozen raspberries
3 handfuls frozen blueberries
1 scoop of Talenti's roman raspberry Sorbetto

Combine in blender... I just press the smoothie button & presto!

What a great lunch!

What are some of y'alls favourite smoothies?? I love to try new ones, please share!


Thanks for your sweet comments!