25 February 2012

A Little About Dutch

This is the famous Dutch Reagan Lewis, but you can call him Dutch. He is my best friend - cheesy, I know, but it's true. I got sweet Dutch almost a year ago when I was going through a hard time. He, being the silly dog that he is, doesn't go "number 2" (TMI?) in the backyard SO all this to say: he forced me to get off my butt exercise and those amazing endorphins kicked in and definitely made me feel better. My dad says Dutch is the perfect dog for me because he seems to have a lot of my issues: ADHD, stubbornness, picky palette, and doesn't like to be alone {I get bored...I think Dutch-pup thinks no one is ever coming back for him, poor pup}. He's a spoiled dog, but he deserves it. Dutch came to me via Lab Rescue and I am forever in debt to them. 


Thanks for your sweet comments!