22 August 2012

Living with Food Allergies

Well, folks, that day has come where I finally discovered a food allergy. I know this is weird, but I since last year, I wanted to be Celiac so that I had to go gluten-free instead of having a choice. Now, if you're Celiac, don't tell me I don't want it. I realize that I shouldn't want it. I'm just weird like that. Anyway, this summer I would get red bumps and welts that would itch and my throat would itch like crazy. I don't have anaphylaxis, so my throat never closed up and I just thought it'd go away after a while... Newsflash: it did not. Fast forward to the beginning of August and I finally decided to go to my allergist and have a scratch test done. Turns out I'm allergic to beef & mushrooms. The first thing I texted my best friends, Emily & Caroline was "How unAmerican am I that I can no longer have hamburgers?!" It was slightly traumatizing.

The next week, I went and saw mom-b who's son has EE and she knows all about food allergies. She's done the research, so I mooched off of her and found out all sorts of things you can find beef. I won't list them all, but here are a few that I ate during "vegetarian phases" that I had no clue contained beef:

1. red dye #40 & yellow #5 - I know they aren't good for you anyway (esp. for people with ADHD, like me), but had no idea there was beef in it!

2. "natural flavors" - now, I try to avoid artificial flavors, but always thought natural flavors were ok. natural flavors are often from an animal source. Typically it is not labeled if it is veggie or animal, much less which animal, so I'm steering clear of it!

3. Glycerin - Animal fat. it's in all my soaps...maybe that's why I'm getting welts? 

As soon as I found out I was allergic to beef & mushrooms, I whisked off to Maine & Canada. Traveling is especially hard with a beef allergy you aren't used to yet...

As strenuous as looking at every ingredient is, I know I'll be healthier in the long run.

And now I don't eat this cute guy:

19 August 2012

Missing In Action

Where oh where have I been these past few months?!? I am such an inconsistent blogger...

One would think that with all this "free time" during summer, I'd be writing up a storm posting lots of pics. However, it seems that my free summer time quickly went way to summer classes, creating a catalog for Over Under Clothing, visiting my brother & sister-in-law in Memphis, visiting one of my high school best friends in Auburn, making quick stops over in Tallahassee, and most recently, going to Maine for a wedding.

Here's an update on my life if anyone is still out there...

1. My failed gluten-free diet that I swore I would be able to do this summer, still didn't happen.
2. I found out I'm allergic to mushrooms & beef. Let me tell you, beef is in SO many things that you wouldn't think of! I'll leave that for another time, though.
3. I got hired by Over Under. I run their twitter page (check it out here: @over_under_co) and have been doing some fun graphics things with Adobe.
Which brings me to...
4. I am changing my major from Early Childhood Education to Graphic Design. Eek! I'm a junior changing my major (what am i doing?!). Although I cannot draw on paper to save my life, I love manipulating images on the computer. I pray that this is the right step for me and that I will ultimately be happy with my decision.

The wedding in Maine was FABULOUS! Tish, if you're reading this- please adopt me and let me come live in Maine with y'all and get married up there. Boothbay Harbor is such a beautiful place...

06 June 2012


Last weekend I went to Tallanasty (Tallahassee) to visit some friends that are there for summer. This is a photo of me & one of my childhood friends at my sister-in-law's favorite bar there- Ken's. I have to say, the Strip is definitely an experience. If you ever find yourself in Tally, you must take one night to explore the wonders of The Strip.

21 May 2012

Smoothie Experiment

I love to make smoothies...especially in the summer heat of Florida! I experiment with different combinations of fruits, sorbets, etc. This afternoon produced quite a delicious outcome. I knew I was in the mood for a smoothie (so what's new?), so I just gathered random things from my kitchen and created this lovely one-serving smoothie.

1/2 banana, cut into 2-inch chunks
2 spoonfuls yogurt
1 serving of stonyfield's fruit on the bottom blueberry yogurt
1/4-1/3c frozen raspberries
3 handfuls frozen blueberries
1 scoop of Talenti's roman raspberry Sorbetto

Combine in blender... I just press the smoothie button & presto!

What a great lunch!

What are some of y'alls favourite smoothies?? I love to try new ones, please share!

14 May 2012


Why oh why am I such an inconsistent blogger? I was doing well there for a while whilst in school...maybe it's me avoiding the workload...

A couple of posts ago I talked about how my blog would have more of a direct focus (being food). And that would be lovely, except with fosters, charging VBS at my church, an online class, & Over Under - I've got so much going on, that I'm not sure I'll be in the kitchen as much as I'd like... Literally the last thing I baked were those blueberry banana muffins...

So I'm saying screw focus...this blog is going attention deficit. (my posts can be about whatever is on my mind that day). Yay.

With that out of the way, let me start by introducing new foster Mae!

She & Dutch are such dorks together. They both "have" to go potty in bushes or shrubs (they seek them out even if it's highly inconvenient). I put food in Dutch's bowl & food in Mae's and they will only eat out of the other's bowl (not their own). Mae & Dutch are not thunderstorms biggest fans (thanks, rain, for coming tonight). They are funny. Dutch is so easy going, he gets along with all the dogs so I never worry about him.

I gave each dog a Best Bully Sticks stick this afternoon (outside, those stink!) & Dutch chewed through his like a champ & then he proceeded to take Mae's stick that she was still working on...proof: boys are jerks (sorry for a bit on venting there).

Mae is having surgery tomorrow! Keep her in your prayers!!